There’s been much talk recently about how important the colour of your front door is to the value of your property . It all started with a blog post on a popular house selling website that claimed that a brown door could decrease the value of an average three bedroom house by £700, but a blue door could increase the value by up to £4000! BBC1’s "Morning Live" picked up the story and now it seems to have become a bit of an urban myth.
Radio 4’s More or Less program looked into this claim and concluded that the statistics were hard to prove. They interviewed a representative from Savills (the premium estate agent), who said there were only three things that mattered in property price and that was location, location, location.
Hmmm - well that may be true but even if your home isn’t in the best location, you can still do a lot to improve the value of your property, whatever the area . We’ve all seen how property prices can rise when a nearby area starts to be “on the up”. This usually happens when a new generation of home buyers come in with energy and ideas . Often they see the beauty of a property that has been sadly left to deteriorate or has had unsympathetic renovations .
There is so much information online and on TV today on how to renovate your house on a budget. It only takes one house in a street to improve the look of their house, to start a tsunami of like minded home improvers. Before you know it, that run down street has become the new desirable location.
I’ve just wandered around my locality and not one brown door did I find, apart from composite doors that look like wood. But even PVC or composite doors can be painted to bring them up to date. The most desirable homes had paid attention to details with lovely door knockers and signage in keeping with the style of the property as well as tasteful planting.
First impressions really do count and the devil is in the detail. The appearance of the exterior is the first hint of what’s inside. Brown isn’t a fashionable paint colour at the moment, whereas there are lots of beautiful blues that will look trendy and appealing. Farrow and Ball or Little Green create the best colours that work in the British light . And If you have a glass transom above the door or glass panels either side of the door check out Brume’s range of easy to fit decals suitable for any style of property. They are super easy to fit and inexpensive to buy but will definitely add value to your property.